접속 불가능한 MongoDB 샤드 제거 방법
2021. 5. 28. 20:50ㆍ서버 프로그래밍
아쉽게도 뭔가 놓친부분이 있어서인지 이것만으로는 완전히 복구되지 않았지만, 유용한 팁이니 공유한다.
I tried several options to do this in version 4.2.
At the end I ended to these commands to be executed on Config Server:
use config
db.databases.updateMany( {primary: "shard0002"}, {$set: {primary: "shard0000"} })
db.shards.deleteOne({_id : "shard0002" })
db.chunks.updateMany( {shard : "shard0002"}, {$set: {shard: "shard0000"} })
while ( db.chunks.updateMany( {"history.shard" : "shard0002"},
{$set: {"history.$.shard": "shard0000"} }).modifiedCount > 0 ) { print("Updated") }
It works to a certain extent, i.e. CRUD operations are working. However, when you run getShardDistribution() then you get an error Collection 'db.collection' is not sharded.
Finally I see only one reliable & secure solution:
- Shut down all mongod and mongos in your sharded cluster
- Start available shards as standalone service (see Perform Maintenance on Replica Set Members)
- Take a backup from available shards with mongodump.
- Drop data folders from all hosts.
- Build your application newly from scratch. Startup all mongod and mongos
- Load data into new cluster with mongorestore
Perhaps for large cluster you have to shuffle around a bit like this:
- Deploy Config servers and mongos server, with one empty shard
- Start one old shard as standalone
- Take backup from this old Shard
- Tear down this old shard
- build a fresh empty new shard
- add new shard to your new cluster
- restore data into the new cluster
- backup can be dropped and shard can be reused in new cluster
- Repeat above for each shard you have in your cluster (the broken shard might be skipped most likely)