Python Flask + SocketIO 연동

2021. 2. 12. 23:46서버 프로그래밍

예전에 Python Flask에서 SocketIO를 사용한 적이 있는데, Node.JS에서 SocketIO를 사용했을 때와 달리 기대한 것처럼 실시간으로 동작하지 않아서 롤백을 했었었다. 이번에 다시 SocketIO를 사용하려고보니 그 당시에 놓쳤던 부분들이 보이고, Node.JS와는 달리 뭔가 생각처럼 쉽게 되지 않는다.


Implement a WebSocket Using Flask and Socket-IO(Python)

Learn how to compose the client-server interface utilizing Websocket technology with Flask and Socket-IO modules available in python


The Socket.IO Client — python-socketio documentation

The Socket.IO Client This package contains two Socket.IO clients: The methods in the two clients are the same, with the only difference that in the asyncio client most methods are implemented as coroutines. Installation To install the standard Python clien


Welcome to Flask-SocketIO’s documentation! — Flask-SocketIO documentation

Flask-SocketIO gives Flask applications access to low latency bi-directional communications between the clients and the server. The client-side application can use any of the SocketIO official clients libraries in Javascript, C++, Java and Swift, or any co


WebSocket transport not available. Install eventlet or gevent and gevent-websocket for improved performance

I am using socket io and flask application.Everthing works except I always get this message. This is my initialization: app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = APP_SECRET_KEY jwt = JWTMan...